Ahoy Matey! Pirates, buccaneers, privateers, corsairs, whatever you may call them, who really are these long haired, one eyed, wooden legged men? Well known since the early 1700's, pirates never seem to get old. One of my favorite pirate movies is the record breaking, box office hit "Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean. Did you know that this movie was actually named after a popular Disney ride? Captain Jack Sparrow, portrayed by the famous Johnny Depp, is a great example of what we picture a pirate to be. In real life, they dressed in checked shirts, long canvas trousers, red waist coats and wore a handkerchief around the neck, similar to an average sailor. They where private sailors who attacked and robbed snipes and plundered villages for their " loot" or stolen valuables. Unlike popular belief, they did not really steal gold and bury them. They did steal food, fresh water and even soap. Yes, they did at times steal ships, either to sell or keep for themselves because the ship was better then their own.
Kids adore them. They love the look of the pirate that they see on TV with its tricorn hat (popular three cornered hat), long boots and beards, cool swords and colorful clothing. If your child enjoys these cool privateers, they would love having their own pirate themed bedroom. Creating this fun theme is not that hard and can be quite affordable. Remove any carpeting from the floor and stay with the wooden floors which will be considered the ships wooden deck. A blue rug on the floor can also be considered to be the ocean. When it comes to bedding, Olive Kids Pirates is perfect choice. You can either choose the Olive Kids duvet cover or the Olive Kids comforter set. I would prefer the Duvet cover for kids but either one would be fine. The duvet cover features adorable pirate ships, treasure chests, sandy beaches and more on a light blue background that resembles the ocean. When you take a closer look, the duvet cover looks like a map. The comforter set is similar to the duvet cover. Purchase a toy treasure chest or a wooden chest to store your child's favorite possessions and place a lock on it so your kids can feel as though they are storing away their hidden treasure. Place hooks on the walls so your little buccaneers can hang their favorite toy swords, captain hat and eye patch. And finally, hang a skeleton head flag by the bed and place a large map on the dresser or wall. Do not worry, there are skeleton flags that look more cute then scary.
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