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First, a confession...I don't have a pet.

But I do have 

A Grandpuppy

Miss Daisy

and a Grandkitten


...they are great sisters.

This was one of our first pets when V. and I were growing up...

Jamie, a black poodle.

A really smart dog.

We also had an afghan hound, Kahli,
a not so smart dog, who kept running away.

Our dad was really sick at the time and forever trying to find the dog was a stress Mum didn't need.  So to try and discourage this aberrant behaviour, the vet recommended getting a companion for the afghan.  Being responsible pet-owners, Mum and Dad bought Jamie.

He was so smart, 
he would pull down the rope that restrained the afghan;
Kahli would chew through it; 
and the two of them would run off! 


This is my submission, this week for

and just for a laugh, if you get the chance, watch the 
old BBC series Auf Wiedersehen Pet

absolutely nothing to do with animals...well sort of!

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